Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Janz, Teresa Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE MGSoG, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Author-Name: Augsburg, B. Author-Name: Gassmann, Franziska Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE UM-BIC, RS: GSBE MORSE, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, RS: GSBE MGSoG, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 2, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 6 Author-Name: Nimeh, Zina Author-workplace-name: Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, RS: GSBE MGSoG, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 2, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 6, RS: UNU-MERIT Theme 3 Title: Leaving no one behind: Urban poverty traps in Sub-Saharan Africa Abstract: Despite considerable achievements in the reduction of poverty over the last decades,poverty remains conspicuously high and profound. While fast urban population growth, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, has contributed to poverty reduction, new development challenges like the urbanisation of poverty emerge. This paper investigates the persistence of urban poverty within the theory of poverty traps among urban households in Nigeria and Tanzania. Using household panel data from the World Bank Living Standard Measurement Study, we test whether consumption-based poverty traps exist in these contexts. Our results show that initially poor households experience an increase in well-being over time, while richer households face a decline and remain vulnerable to falling back into poverty. However, a sticky consumption floor as well as divergence of the floor with the mean show that despite upward dynamics amongst the poor, some are being being left behind. Finally, we argue that improved urb an data is needed to identify the vulnerable middle, and to design structural policies preventing them from falling back into poverty. Classification-JEL: i32,p25,e21 Series: UNU-MERIT Working Papers Creation-Date: 20221202 Number: 2022-041 File-URL: https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl/ws/files/114584044/wp2022_041.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 1262537 Handle: Repec:unm:unumer:2022041 DOI: