Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Edsand, Hans Author-Email: edsand@merit.unu.edu Author-workplace-name: UNU-MERIT Title: Technological Innovation Systems and the wider context: A framework for developing countries Abstract: The Technological Innovation System (TIS) framework is a systems approach for understanding the adoption and impact of technologies. This paper addresses limitations of the TIS functions approach by complementing its list of functions. As a result the breadth of application of the framework in developed countries is augmented, and made more applicable to the developing country context. In order to analyse the context in which the TIS operates, framework conditions are added to the TIS function approach, drawn from Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) literature. Keywords: Technological transitions, Technological Innovation System, Multi-Level Perspective, Renewable energy technologies, developing countries Classification-JEL: O33, O38 Series: UNU-MERIT Working Papers Creation-Date: 20160406 Number: 2016-017 File-URL: https://unu-merit.nl/publications/wppdf/2016/wp2016-017.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 275 kb Handle: RePEc:unm:unumer:2016017