Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Zon A.H. van Author-Name: David P.A. Author-workplace-name: UNU-MERIT Title: Designing an optimal 'tech fix' path to global climate stability : directed R&D and embodied technical change in a multi‐phase framework Abstract: This paper, which was prepared for presentation in the program of the 2013 International Energy Workshop Conference held on 1921 June in Paris, France is an extensively revised, expanded and slightly retitled version of UNUMERIT Working Paper 2013009. The latter paper has been cited in other work and therefore continues to be accessible, although superceded by the present version. Keywords: Innovation and Invention, Management of Technological Innovation and R&D, Technological Change, Choices and Consequences, Diffusion Processes, Multisector Growth Models, Environment and Growth, Global Warming, Environmental Economics, Technological Innovation Classification-JEL: Q54, Q55, O31, O32, O33, O41, O44 Series: Working Paper Creation-Date: 2013 Number: 2013-041 File-URL: https://unu-merit.nl/publications/wppdf/2013/wp2013-041.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 1979909 Handle: RePEc:unm:unumer:2013041