Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Cooper, Charles Author-Workplace-Name: United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies Author-Name: Gu, Shulin Author-Email: gu@intech.unu.edu Author-Workplace-Name: United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies Author-Name: Alcorta, Ludo Author-Email: l.alcorta@msm.nl Author-Workplace-Name: Maastricht School of Management Author-Name: Steinmueller, Edward Author-Workplace-Name: University of Sussex Author-Name: Correa, Carlos M. Author-Workplace-Name: University of Buenos Aires Author-Name: Vaitsos, Constantine Author-Workplace-Name: University of Athens Author-Name: Ng Choon Sim, Cecilia Author-Workplace-Name: United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies Title: Information Revolution and Policy Implications for Developing Countries Abstract: Discussion paper 2002 is combination of six papers prepared for the International Workshop on The Information Revolution and Economic and Social Exclusion in Developing Countries. These papers are the outcomes of two major themes set for the workshop: "The Developments of Access and Effective Use of Information Technology and Exclusion" and "The Gender Dimension in Exclusion". Keywords: Information technology, Government policy Series: Discussion Paper Creation-Date: 2000 Number: 2000-02 File-URL: https://www.merit.unu.edu/publications/discussion-papers/2000-2.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 129 Kb Handle: RePEc:unm:unuint:200002