Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: van Broekhoven, Kim Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE Theme Learning and Work, RS: GSBE Theme Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship , ROA / Education and occupational career Author-Name: Huijts, Tim Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE Theme Learning and Work, ROA / Education and occupational career Author-Name: Isendam, Marieke Author-Name: Jacobs, Madelon Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE other - not theme-related research, ROA / Education and occupational career Author-Name: Kolster, R. Author-Name: Leest, B. Author-Name: Meng, Christoph Author-workplace-name: RS: GSBE other - not theme-related research, ROA / Education and occupational career Author-Name: Westerheijden, D. Author-Name: Wolbers, Maarten Title: Onderzoek ‘Excellentie in het hoger onderwijs: selectie, effectiviteit en uitstralingseffecten’ Series: ROA Fact Sheets Creation-Date: 20200406 Number: 002 File-URL: https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl/ws/files/47271133/ROA_F_2020_2.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 108359 Handle: Repec:unm:umarof:2020002 DOI: 10.26481/umarof.2020002