Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Peters, Hans Author-workplace-name: QE Math. Economics & Game Theory, RS: GSBE ETBC Author-Name: Timmer, Judith Author-Name: van den Brink, Rene Title: Power on digraphs Abstract: It is assumed that relations between n players are reflected by a directed
graph or digraph. Such a digraph is called invariant if there is an arc
between any two players between whom there is also a directed path.
We characterize a class of power indices for invariant digraphs based on
four axioms: Null Player, Constant Sum, Anonymity, and the Transfer
Property. This class is determined by 2n ¡ 2 parameters. By consider-
ing additional conditions about the effect of adding a directed link (arc)
between two players we single out three different, one parameter families
of power indices, reflecting several well-known indices from the literature:
Copeland score, β- and apex-type indices. Classification-JEL: c71 Series: GSBE Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 20160401 Number: 019 File-URL: https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl/ws/files/4571970/RM16019.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 396635 Handle: Repec:unm:umagsb:2016019 DOI: 10.26481/umagsb.2016019