Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Grip,A.,de Author-Name: Heijke,H. Author-workplace-name: ROA wp Title: Beyond Manpower Planning: ROA's Labour Market Model and its Forecasts to 2002 Abstract: This paper describes the forecasting model of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), which has been developed for making forecasts about developments of the labour market position of different types of education with respect to the Dutch labour market. Every two years, ROA compiles forecasts of changes in the labour market in the medium term, differentiated by a large number of economic sectors, occupational classes and types of education to illustrate the meaning of the information. The paper aims particularly to describe the objectives, the basic principles, the theoretical foundations and the structure of ROA''s forecasting approach and the major labour market indicators in more detail. The forecast labour market developments for the types of education up to the year 2002 will also be presented. Due to the low level of aggregation used, these forecasts provide very useful information for people who are involved in decisions about educational investments. Keywords: education, training and the labour market; Series: Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 1998 Number: 006 File-URL: http://digitalarchive.maastrichtuniversity.nl/fedora/get/guid:095a621c-c2ae-43d1-8e29-918289cc68c3/ASSET1 File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 516515 Handle: RePEc:unm:umarow:1998006