Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Borghans Lex Author-Name: Golsteyn Bart Author-workplace-name: ROA rm Title: Job Mobility in Europe, Japan and the U.S. Abstract: Evidence about job mobility outside the U.S. is scarce and difficult to compare crossnationallybecause of non-uniform data. We document job mobility patterns of collegegraduates in their first three years in the labor market, using unique uniform datacovering 11 European countries and Japan. Using the NLSY, we replicate the informationin this survey to compare the results to the U.S. We find that (1) U.S. graduates hold morejobs than European graduates. (2) Contrasting conventional wisdom, job mobility inJapan is only somewhat lower than the European average. (3) There are large differencesin job mobility within Europe. Keywords: education, training and the labour market; Series: Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 2011 Number: 001 File-URL: http://edocs.ub.unimaas.nl/loader/file.asp?id=1571 File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 307467 Handle: RePEc:unm:umaror:2011001