Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Bicu Andreea Author-Name: Candelon Bertrand Author-workplace-name: METEOR Title: On the importance of indirect banking vulnerabilities in the Eurozone Abstract: This paper investigates banking and sovereign distress in the Eurozone and the importance ofdirect and indirect fi nancial exposures. We use BIS cross-border direct banking flows to linkmember states in a GVAR framework and jointly model sectoral CDS premia. Based on balance sheetpositions of an intermediate debtor country, we calculate indirect exposures and asses how thelevel of interconnectedness is impacted when indirect links are accounted for. We notice a generalslowdown in fi nancial integration and a reduction in cross-border assets in the hope of limitinginternational contagion. By diff erentiating between direct and indirect links, we show that theimpact of reduced weights on core member states is insigni ficant and that deleveraging strategiesare not able to successfully reduce risk. Keywords: international economics and trade ; Series: Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 2012 Number: 033 File-URL: http://arnop.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=25397 File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 1357370 Handle: RePEc:unm:umamet:2012033