Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Grip Andries de Author-Name: Bosma Hans Author-Name: Willems Dick Author-Name: Boxtel Martin van Author-workplace-name: ROA rm Title: Job-worker Mismatch and Cognitive Decline Abstract: We use longitudinal test data on various aspects of persons’ cognitive abilities to analyze whether overeducated workers are more vulnerable to cognitive decline, and undereducated workers are less vulnerable. We find that the job-worker mismatch induces cognitive decline with respect to immediate and delayed recall abilities, cognitive flexibility and verbal fluency. Our findings indicate that, to some extent, it is the adjustment of the ability level of the overeducated and undereducated workers that adjusts initial mismatch. This adds to the relevance of preventing overeducation, and shows that being employed above one’s level of education contributes to workers’ cognitive resilience. Keywords: education, training and the labour market; Series: Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 2005 Number: 009 File-URL: http://digitalarchive.maastrichtuniversity.nl/fedora/objects/guid:8a4f8d92-6ad6-4e55-87af-642616740b19/datastreams/ASSET1/content File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 154878 Handle: RePEc:unm:umaror:2005009