Template-type: ReDif-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Mutz,Christine Author-Name: Ziesemer,Thomas Author-workplace-name: MERIT Title: Prebisch-Singer: Debates, Growth Model and Estimates Abstract: Prebisch and Singer (henceforth PS) have initiated several debates in economics, which have generated much research. Some of these debates may have converged to a compromise, whereas others are much less researched. We briefly summarize them in the next section in order to point out that the implications for growth theory have been largely neglected. Then we will present a growth model and estimate which show that income and price elasticities matter for long-run growth. Keywords: Economics ; Series: Research Memoranda Creation-Date: 2005 Number: 007 File-URL: http://arnop.unimaas.nl/show.cgi?fid=1650 File-Format: application/pdf File-Size: 325534 Handle: RePEc:unm:umamer:2005007